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Fonds flexibles
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Fonds monde
Fonds monétaires
Fonds obligation

Fonds actions:

Fonds cap.preservation:

Fonds hedge:

Total de Fonds dans le classement: 683

*Classement mis à jour au 06.07.2024
les rendements sont exprimés en euros, les valeurs de 3Y et 5Y sont annualisées
Sélectionnez la période pour trier par rendement
# Gestionnaire Produit Nom du fonds Ajoutez au
1M 1Y Tier 3Y* Tier 5Y*Tier Fiche Fonds
121° Goldman Sachs Global Debt Plus Portfolio (Hdg) I (GBP-Hdg) Goldman Sachs Global Debt Plus Portfolio (Hdg) I (GBP-Hdg)LU0234680345 - Distribution et dividendes 0.99% (442°) 7.36% (681°) -2.18% (1272°) 1.00% (719°) Ouvrez la fiche
analyse et classements
122° Schroder ISF Strategic Bond C Dist Schroder ISF Strategic Bond C DistLU0209719755 - Distribution et dividendes 0.99% (428°) 9.50% (354°) 4.11% (206°) 1.87% (489°) Ouvrez la fiche
analyse et classements
123° FTGF WA Global Multi Strategy A US$ Dist (M) FTGF WA Global Multi Strategy A US$ Dist (M)IE00B23Z7H10 - Distribution et dividendes 0.99% (429°) 6.40% (833°) 1.20% (588°) 1.33% (618°) Ouvrez la fiche
analyse et classements
124° LO Selection - The Global Fixed Income Opportunities, Syst. Hdg, (USD) I D LO Selection - The Global Fixed Income Opportunities, Syst. Hdg, (USD) I DLU1598862552 - Distribution et dividendes 0.99% (432°) 8.15% (546°) 3.17% (310°) 2.91% (274°) Ouvrez la fiche
analyse et classements
125° Invesco US Senior Loan HHX (AUD hgd) monthly Dist Invesco US Senior Loan HHX (AUD hgd) monthly DistLU0704905362 - Distribution et dividendes 0.99% (433°) 1.44% (1737°) -3.43% (1510°) -2.16% (1551°) Ouvrez la fiche
analyse et classements
126° MIRABAUD-Sustainable Global Strategic Bond Fund-A Distr USD MIRABAUD-Sustainable Global Strategic Bond Fund-A Distr USDLU0963986384 - Distribution et dividendes 0.99% (435°) 8.04% (577°) 2.84% (355°) 2.28% (398°) Ouvrez la fiche
analyse et classements
127° PIMCO GIS Diversified Income E USD Income PIMCO GIS Diversified Income E USD IncomeIE00B193MK07 - Distribution et dividendes 0.98% (443°) 9.16% (408°) -0.09% (893°) 0.91% (740°) Ouvrez la fiche
analyse et classements
128° Amundi Sentiero 2021 Amundi Sentiero 2021FR0013201555 - Distribution et dividendes 0.98% (448°) 8.28% (519°) 1.95% (457°) 1.21% (665°) Ouvrez la fiche
analyse et classements
129° Schroder ISF Global Credit Income A Dist Schroder ISF Global Credit Income A DistLU1514167136 - Distribution et dividendes 0.98% (449°) 10.49% (273°) 2.57% (387°) 2.43% (372°) Ouvrez la fiche
analyse et classements
130° LO Selection - The Global Fixed Income Opportunities, Syst. Hdg, (USD) M D LO Selection - The Global Fixed Income Opportunities, Syst. Hdg, (USD) M DLU0970177860 - Distribution et dividendes 0.98% (453°) 7.91% (600°) 2.94% (339°) 2.68% (321°) Ouvrez la fiche
analyse et classements
131° Allianz Global Multi-Asset Credit AMg (USD) Allianz Global Multi-Asset Credit AMg (USD)LU1858968206 - Distribution et dividendes 0.98% (456°) 7.55% (646°) 4.44% (186°) 2.15% (428°) Ouvrez la fiche
analyse et classements
132° UBP PG Active Income APD EUR UBP PG Active Income APD EURLU1515366976 - Distribution et dividendes 0.97% (469°) 11.60% (183°) 7.85% (57°) 4.06% (127°) Ouvrez la fiche
analyse et classements
133° CS IF 3 Credit Suisse (Lux) Fixed Maturity Bond 2024 S-V IA USD CS IF 3 Credit Suisse (Lux) Fixed Maturity Bond 2024 S-V IA USDLU2062503722 - Distribution et dividendes 0.97% (470°) 4.70% (1200°) -0.99% (1035°) - Ouvrez la fiche
analyse et classements
134° CS IF 3 Credit Suisse (Lux) Fixed Maturity Bond 2024 S-V UA USD CS IF 3 Credit Suisse (Lux) Fixed Maturity Bond 2024 S-V UA USDLU2062511311 - Distribution et dividendes 0.97% (472°) 4.60% (1226°) -1.09% (1055°) - Ouvrez la fiche
analyse et classements
135° EdR SICAV Financial Bonds J-USD (H) EdR SICAV Financial Bonds J-USD (H)FR0013350808 - Distribution et dividendes 0.97% (468°) 14.82% (64°) 4.99% (155°) - Ouvrez la fiche
analyse et classements
136° Schroder ISF Strategic Credit C Dist Schroder ISF Strategic Credit C DistLU0995846705 - Distribution et dividendes 0.96% (476°) 12.34% (136°) 6.10% (102°) 4.89% (76°) Ouvrez la fiche
analyse et classements
137° Allianz Global Floating Rate Notes Plus P2 (USD) Allianz Global Floating Rate Notes Plus P2 (USD)LU1740660607 - Distribution et dividendes 0.95% (496°) 8.68% (467°) 7.30% (65°) 3.95% (140°) Ouvrez la fiche
analyse et classements
138° Allianz Global Floating Rate Notes Plus PQ (USD) Allianz Global Floating Rate Notes Plus PQ (USD)LU1807156143 - Distribution et dividendes 0.95% (497°) 8.59% (476°) 7.22% (67°) 3.86% (145°) Ouvrez la fiche
analyse et classements
139° Allianz Global Floating Rate Notes Plus RM10 (USD) Allianz Global Floating Rate Notes Plus RM10 (USD)LU1860909420 - Distribution et dividendes 0.95% (498°) 8.73% (459°) 7.07% (73°) 3.76% (161°) Ouvrez la fiche
analyse et classements
140° Schroder ISF Global Multi Credit C Dist Schroder ISF Global Multi Credit C DistLU1406014388 - Distribution et dividendes 0.95% (501°) 11.01% (236°) 1.73% (496°) 2.47% (368°) Ouvrez la fiche
analyse et classements
141° UBS (Lux) Strategy Fund - Fixed Income Sustainable (USD) P-dist UBS (Lux) Strategy Fund - Fixed Income Sustainable (USD) P-distLU0039703375 - Distribution et dividendes 0.95% (485°) 5.72% (973°) 1.32% (559°) 1.17% (674°) Ouvrez la fiche
analyse et classements
142° Schroder ISF Strategic Bond A Dist Schroder ISF Strategic Bond A DistLU0216291897 - Distribution et dividendes 0.95% (488°) 8.95% (429°) 3.59% (255°) 1.36% (613°) Ouvrez la fiche
analyse et classements
143° Natixis International Funds (Dublin) I Loomis Sayles Global Opportunistic Bond R/D (GBP) Natixis International Funds (Dublin) I Loomis Sayles Global Opportunistic Bond R/D (GBP)IE00B23XDC22 - Distribution et dividendes 0.95% (489°) 0.43% (1842°) -3.95% (1618°) -1.73% (1471°) Ouvrez la fiche
analyse et classements
144° UBS (Lux) Strategy Fund - Fixed Income Sustainable (USD) P-mdist UBS (Lux) Strategy Fund - Fixed Income Sustainable (USD) P-mdistLU1415540852 - Distribution et dividendes 0.95% (490°) 5.72% (975°) 1.32% (561°) 1.17% (676°) Ouvrez la fiche
analyse et classements
145° CS IF 3 Credit Suisse (Lux) Fixed Maturity Bond 2024 S-V A USD CS IF 3 Credit Suisse (Lux) Fixed Maturity Bond 2024 S-V A USDLU2062620526 - Distribution et dividendes 0.95% (494°) 4.38% (1264°) -1.29% (1101°) - Ouvrez la fiche
analyse et classements
146° Goldman Sachs Global Debt Plus Portfolio (Hdg) P (GBP-Hdg) Goldman Sachs Global Debt Plus Portfolio (Hdg) P (GBP-Hdg)LU0280910877 - Distribution et dividendes 0.94% (502°) 6.99% (749°) -2.50% (1333°) 0.67% (807°) Ouvrez la fiche
analyse et classements
147° PIMCO GIS Diversified Income Admin USD Income PIMCO GIS Diversified Income Admin USD IncomeIE00B4KNT432 - Distribution et dividendes 0.94% (504°) 9.61% (347°) 0.29% (749°) 1.30% (630°) Ouvrez la fiche
analyse et classements
148° Principal Global Investors Funds Preferred Securities D2 Income Principal Global Investors Funds Preferred Securities D2 IncomeIE00BYM2LQ48 - Distribution et dividendes 0.94% (508°) 6.82% (764°) -0.14% (904°) -0.16% (1116°) Ouvrez la fiche
analyse et classements
149° Schroder ISF Global Credit Income A1 Dist Schroder ISF Global Credit Income A1 DistLU1933819796 - Distribution et dividendes 0.94% (511°) 9.95% (317°) 2.06% (442°) 1.40% (605°) Ouvrez la fiche
analyse et classements
150° Multicooperation Julius Baer Fixed Income Investment Grade Corporate (USD) Ka dis Multicooperation Julius Baer Fixed Income Investment Grade Corporate (USD) Ka disLU1805378137 - Distribution et dividendes 0.94% (512°) 6.52% (821°) 1.71% (499°) - Ouvrez la fiche
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