30/08/2024 - Elia System Operator SA: Elia orders 945 km of cables from NKT, Nexans and Prysmian to meet new connection requests and strengthen its grid


30 August 2024

Elia orders 945 km of cables from NKT, Nexans and Prysmian to meet new connection requests and strengthen its grid

BRUSSELS | The Belgian transmission system operator, Elia Transmission Belgium, has placed orders with three leading European high-performance cable manufacturers relating to the production and installation of land cables that will cover a total length of 945 km. The contracts for these orders were awarded to NKT GmbH & Co. KG, Nexans Benelux SA/NV, and Prysmian Group, and amount to a total of €135 million. The final products will consist of onshore alternating current (AC) cables with voltages of 70 kV, 110 kV and 150 kV. These cables are due to be delivered in 2025-27 and they will meet the needs of more than 120 projects included in Elia's 2024-2034 Federal Development Plan. Elia, like all European grid operators, must upgrade and develop its infrastructure to meet the challenges of the energy transition and support the electrification of society. In this context, these new assets will be essential for Belgium's industry in particular and will help to connect new production capacities that will emerge in the coming years to Elia's grid.

Meeting the demand of industrial customers

These cable orders will enable Elia to upgrade its infrastructure across Belgium, notably by enabling it to support the demands of its industrial customers who are electrifying their processes and increasing their needs. In a recent study, Elia estimated that the electricity needs of Belgium's industry will increase by 50% by 2030. A robust, flexible and reliable electricity network will be crucial for supporting industry in Belgium and Europe in the years to come.

Connecting new production capacities

The energy transition is changing our energy landscape. The amount of electricity produced from renewable energy sources is constantly increasing in Belgium. Last year, Belgium produced a record 21.5 TWh (a 23% increase compared with 2022) of wind and solar power, representing 28% of the country's electricity mix. This trend will accelerate in future. Thanks to these cable orders, new renewable production capacities will be able to be connected to the grid.
Beyond renewable production capacities, many other production capacities linked to our changing energy landscape - such as industrial batteries or the new units planned as part of Belgium's Capacity Remuneration Mechanism (CRM) - will also be connected to the electricity grid via the cables that will be delivered thanks to these placed orders with Elia's suppliers.

Maintain and replace end-of-life infrastructure

Besides meeting the need to connect new production capacities to Elia's grid and meeting its customers' electrification needs, these cables are crucial for Elia's ongoing commitment to maintaining and enhancing the reliability and performance of its energy infrastructure. The suppliers, who are renowned for their quality and expertise, will provide the necessary cables to replace end-of-life assets. This proactive measure will not only strengthen its infrastructure but will also support its goal of providing all consumers in Belgium with a reliable and efficient energy supply, by maintaining the Belgian grid performing at its optimal capacity.

An important signal amidst a tense international context

These orders involve a very high amount of cables. They complement previous orders related to Elia's infrastructure. They also send out a positive signal amidst a tense European and international context. As it is for other areas, the international market for high-voltage infrastructure is under pressure. The demand for high-voltage infrastructure has increased sharply over the past few years and is currently outstripping supply. Indeed, following the recent energy crisis, many countries want to reduce their dependence on fossil fuels. Massive investments are being made in the production of renewable energy and in strengthening the electricity grid to supply consumption centres with the energy they need. Although the European Union is working on measures to strengthen the supply chain, the effects of these measures are not tangible enough yet. This has led Elia and its suppliers to seek out and find new solutions together.

Working together to address the immense challenges of the energy sector

In working with its suppliers, Elia aims to develop strong, trustworthy relationships that stand the test of time. Elia believes in the power of collaboration and partnerships, and understands that its suppliers are valuable allies in its mission to enhance the Belgian grid. By aligning their objectives, Elia can work with its partners to achieve shared success. It's through these partnerships that Elia can truly drive innovation and progress in the energy sector. Elia looks forward to building on these relationships and fostering a culture of mutual respect, integrity, and a shared vision for the future.

"These contracts mean we are taking an important step towards meeting our customers' demands. Each step that will be taken in the coming years will be crucial and enormous. The broad scope of these contracts is the best proof of this. We are therefore delighted with this new collaboration with NKT, Nexans and Prysmian Group. They are partners with whom we are used to working and who have demonstrated their unfailing reliability and expertise."
Frederic Dunon, CEO of Elia Transmission Belgium

"Electricity grids are the backbone of modern society, so upgrading and modernising them to support future demand and loads is vital. We are proud of our long-term relationship with Elia Transmission Belgium and pleased to support their efforts to upgrade the Belgian grid. This is one of the largest orders in the 70 kV & 150 kV AC onshore segment that NKT has ever received and shows the importance of the lower high-voltage levels in the transmission grid."
Lukas Sidler, Executive Vice President, HV Solutions Cologne

"Nexans is proud to support Elia's electrification of Belgium and its contribution to maintaining the exceptional performance of the national power grid. This award adds to the significant commitments already made by Elia, positioning Nexans as a major supplier in Belgium over the next five years. Nexans reaffirms both its strong local presence and commitment to revitalizing the grid with its long-term strategic partners."
Nexans Guillaume Masse, Nexans Grid Vice President

"Prysmian Group is very pleased to once again provide its know-how and expertise through this new collaboration with Elia Transmission Belgium. These contracts come beside other important collaborations we've had in the recent past years. The energy sector is facing major changes and challenges and our Group has an important role to play in enabling grid operators to develop and strengthen their infrastructures."
Jawdat Mansour, High Voltage Business Unit Director Prysmian South Europe

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Elia System Operator SA published this content on 30 August 2024 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on August 30, 2024 at 05:50:23 UTC.

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